Full Spectrum Macrobiotics
The modern study and practice of longevity through diet and lifestyle, exercise and recreation, and spiritual practices. We utilize traditional Eastern diagnostic practices with a Western understanding of physiology and biochemistry as a basis for recommendations. Individuals with health concerns or an interest in achieving and maintaining optimal health will benefit from this comprehensive approach.
Music Therapy
The dynamic use of music as an interpersonal process in which bio-psycho-socio-emotional and spiritual aspects of an individual's life, in relation to themselves and their culture, are explored to promote health.
A five thousand year old comprehensive system of postures and breathing techniques developed for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Yoga is a system, not of beliefs, but rather techniques and guidance for enriched living.
A system of self-massage originating more than five thousand years ago for self-healing. Chinese Taoist monks called it Tao-Yin: Tao meaning 'the way' and Yin meaning a 'gentle approach.' The name has evolved to Do-In, and the technique is used to sustain overall health, as well as treat specific physical and psychological problems.